One Identity Movement




May 02, 2018

“But you are not like that, for you are a chosen people. You are royal priests, a holy nation, God’s very own possession. As a result you can show others the goodness of God for he called you of the darkness into his wonderful light.” - 1 Peter 2:9 NLT

The very thought of transitioning from darkness into light, is absolutely mind blowing for me. To really come from a place where everything is unclear, uncommon, unorganized, and unpresentable; into a place where things are actually good, working for good, and have a promise of an ultimate good, is out of this world!

If I told you that in the last few months, this same fact has happened to me, over and over again; would you believe me? If I shared with you my personal journey of hope and faith and restoration to the real heart of God, would you sit and listen?

Well, to be completely honest, this entire site, that purpose. “One Identity Movement” is just that; the tangible story of my movement from darkness to light. This clothing brand serves as my personal journey from a place where I was sooo far from the heart of God, into the mountain of faith that He currently has be standing on.

I must say that this journey has not been easy. Over the past few months my life has been characterized by many tears and times where I felt as if I was in a deep-deep ocean, with the inability to swim; all while gasping for air. Many nights I cried and cried, begging God to restore to me the joy of my salvation and to give me a fresh revelation of Jesus and heart for ministry.

The truth is, this place that I was currently experiencing, was mostly the result of my own doing. There is something so surreal about the hurt and pain we experience in our lives. Yet even more, is the reality that we have the opportunity to take those same woundings and present them to Jesus, for total healing and breakthrough.

This ultimate truth was not something that I began to realize until the beginning of this year. I had built within myself this idealized wall of fortitude away from the world and the community that God had so graciously desired to give me. As well as I had began to believe that each of the mandates that God had placed on my life could be accomplished apart from my total submission to God and the direction of the many trusted leaders around me.

It was in the midst all of this that God called out to me, ever so kindly. He, in his infinite power and love, spoke the words of 1 Peter 2:9; which ultimately propelled me into this new season of faith and obedience. The reality that God is good and has a plan for me is so much greater than any an everything that I may currently face to overcome; washed over me with such waves of glory and peace.

From this, I truly began to understand that the Image of Jesus is My Identity. I began to take hold of the mercy of God, which called me Son and not Slave. I chose to embrace a risen Savior that shared with His truth that I am an Heir and not a Hireling.

My transition from darkness to light was not an easy one. And with complete and total transparency in this moment, daily I am still coming into a greater knowledge of the Light of God, vs. the darkness of my own heart. However, As you can clearly see, God’s ultimate process of transformation in me has produced something so great, its again “mind-blowing!”

But guess what. . .The goodness of God doesn’t stop with me. The same grace, mercy, and power is afforded to you, even as you read this post. I hope and pray that you will allow the Image of Jesus to produce in you His ultimate Identity for you.

After all, this is more than a brand of clothing (although the clothes are pretty cool! Lol.); it is a Movement for God’s glory.

Named in Him,

Sam Petty 

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